There is a way to discover yourself and the world. It is by travelling that you can experience this. Go on new adventures and discover the world.

Travelling is more beneficial than staying at home

First of all, it's about making life a little more fun and less stressful. Travelling allows you to break away from routine and stressful things. In addition, you can try new experiences by travelling, for example, living in the wilderness, adapting to all the conditions that will be facing you. It's a bit out of your comfort zone. Staying at home, there's not much to do except go to work, take care of household chores... But while traveling, you'll discover lots of things you've never done or experienced before. That makes the trip even more important. It's like a challenge that everyone has to face at least once in their life. Travel is also an opportunity to meet new people, to make friends with other people and to learn a new language. Of course you can learn a new language at home, but travelling is a way to put it into practice quickly.

Some reasons why you might want to travel

We have to travel because the world has shrunk, it is more accessible than before thanks to means of transport, such as planes, trains, boats... Distances have shrunk and even the other side of the world no longer seems so distant. And thanks to the internet, which is a means of communication, you can leave while staying connected to the world or to your loved ones by giving each other news and also to follow the news. Currently, the most beautiful places on the planet are disappearing little by little, not to mention the natural creatures, namely: the Seychelles will disappear in a hundred years due to the rise of the oceans and global warming, they are subject to strong erosion. This is an opportunity to discover, learn and experience. It's better to see things with your own eyes than on TV or social networks.

The benefits of travel

While traveling, creativity improves because it is a positive experience, travel helps to understand the world and become aware of these realities, creativity often comes as a result of new and exciting experiences. Experiencing a more nomadic lifestyle, with less convenience and more unexpected, unusual situations. Travelling also allows you to discover different places, fabulous landscapes, cultures, but most of all it helps to strengthen the bonds between family and friends when you travel together. Travelling is an indispensable element to improve emotional well-being, as it reduces your stress, it also improves physical and psychological health according to some studies. You will quickly regain a positive energy boost. It's interesting and also a way to be culturally enriched. Discover magnificent landscapes during a trip to Cambodia and South Africa. Travel and discover fascinating postcard-like places. These spectacular places allow you to get to know new cultures and meet friendly people. In addition to seeing new places, you can also take advantage of a vacation to enjoy the exotic cuisine of cities around the world. Cambodia is one of the must-see destinations if you're looking for places to see and experience. Take advantage of your vacation to visit the temples of Angkor. When travelling through the country of the Khmers, it is highly recommended to start your tour with the capital Phnom Penh. This trip allows you to discover an exciting and bewitching city. If you are far away from the Cambodian capital, you could enjoy the idyllic landscapes of its countryside. For those who travel to South Africa, you will be surprised by its cultural richness and unique nature. In addition to its 11 official languages, this destination fascinates with its dark history. Those looking for a change of scenery can include in their Cape Town tour, admire the sunset from Table Mountain, visit Johannesburg, Bloemfontein or Durban nicknamed Little India.

Why is it interesting to organize a world tour?

Going around the world is a very possible project, especially if you choose the best plans. If on average you need to plan 15 000 € for a round-the-world trip, you can reduce the budget to 7000 € by limiting air travel and choosing destinations where the cost of living is affordable. Although for security reasons some parts of the world should be avoided, these places are few and far between. Fortunately, most countries can be travelled by applying basic safety rules. Those who travel around the world have an interesting advantage on their resumes. Making a long trip is a proof of initiative, good resistance to stress and a good capacity to adapt. Recruiters appreciate candidates who have completed this type of journey. To make this kind of trip, it is necessary to take the time to plan the expedition well.