Nowadays, the knowledge of English is an important element in your studies as well as in your professional life. Since most universities around the world teach in English, you should be proficient in the language of Shakespeare before you go abroad. Also, if you are planning to work in English-speaking countries, remember that the only way to do so is to know this international language. There are several schools that can help you to become fluent in English without difficulty. When you have finished your English language training, you can sign up for various tests to measure your ability to understand English.

Do you want to take the IELTS test?

Since the education in the UK is recognised by employers and governments around the world, it is for this reason that French students choose this country to continue their university studies. But before you can start studying in this beautiful country, you need to have a command of the English language. However, you must take the IELTS exam. This is an exam for learning standardized English that is increasingly recognized worldwide. During this test, you will be assessed on 4 language skills. These are oral and written comprehension as well as oral and written expression. For more information about this English language test, you can visit Global Exam.

What if you are considering taking the TOEFL test?

Currently, if you are planning to work in the United States, remember that it is essential that you have a degree in English language proficiency. You can register for the TOEFL test, which is a test for non-English-speaking students who wish to study in America. There are two versions of this type of test. The first version is the TOEFL IBT which is administered online and the second version is the TOEFL ITP which is administered on paper. Most universities in America require that you have this TOEFL diploma before you can study at these American schools. By obtaining the TOEFL diploma, you can travel to the United States without difficulty.

What about the Bulats test?

Apart from the IELTS and TOEFL tests, Bulats is also one of the exams you have to take if you want to be qualified in English. Unlike other English language tests, Bulats has the special feature of being a test of English related to the business world or business. However, if you are planning to take the entrance exam for business schools, you must have the diploma that corresponds to the Bulats test. What's more, the advantage of this test over others is that the Bulats is quick to pass and inexpensive. It tests your oral and written comprehension.

Master a professional level of English

According to the convictions of a French businessman, mastery of business English is an essential element in a CV. From workers to managers, not forgetting human resources, many professions are confronted with the practice of English. Since the generalization of commercial exchanges, the language of Shakespeare has become the indispensable international language in the professional environment. Moreover, mastery of English has become a recruitment criterion for positions specific to the French market. A candidate seeking a qualified position has a considerable advantage over other competitors if he or she is fluent in business English. This type of English differs from the classical language taught in school or during language training. Although the language level of Business English differs from the languages learned in secondary school, the grammar, irregular verbs or modals are the same. This gives a serious advantage when looking for a job. The particularity of business english is that it includes more technical vocabularies. Those who are proficient in business english use more polite and precise syntactic turns of phrase than standard english.

IELTS and University of Cambridge language assessment tests

IELTS comes in two versions: general and academic. It is the main English exam set up by the University of Cambridge and the British Council. This test allows you to register for university or work in Australia or the United Kingdom. Those who pass it can obtain a visa in the USA, Canada, Australia or the United Kingdom. The test is very useful in higher education as well as for people who wish to immigrate. The validity of the International English Language Testing System is unlimited. The scoring scale ranges from 1 for non-user to 9 for expert user. The University of Cambridge offers several tests to assess the language level of candidates. This educational establishment organizes various tests according to the age, level and speciality of the learners. Many international universities recognize this test. As for the validity of the diplomas, they conform to the 6 levels of the European Framework. The results are graded from A1 to C2. Thanks to this grading system, it is now easier to communicate one's language level. As with IELTS, there is no limit to the validity of these exams. Among the different tests available are: the First Certificate in English, the Certificate in Advanced in English and the Certificate of Proficiency in English.