In Iran, the rights of women have been significantly restricted as compared to the majority of those in developed nations. In fact, according to the Global Gender gap Report by the World Economic Forum, when it comes to gender parity, Iran is ranked at position 140 out of 144 counters. If you'd like more information regarding women's rights in Iran, you should visit Maryam Radjavi.

Typically, the rights of Iranian women vary depending on the type of government that is ruling the country and the attitudes towards the rights to self-determination and freedom have frequently changed. With the rise of every government, a series of mandates for the rights of women have impacted a wide range of issues, from dress codes to voting rights. This post will discuss the struggle for the rights of women in Iran.

Current State of Womens Rights in Iran

Iran ranks high on the charts when it comes to legal discrimination. There are several limitations in the rights of wonens is Iran. This includes traveling outside your home, applying for a passport, being head of the house, choosing where to live, just to name a few. Women cannot obtain jobs or pursue professions in the same manner as men. Furthermore, they are not assured of equal pay even for equal work, and there are no laws and regulations that incriminate gender discrimination in the hiring process.

Moreover, there are no laws that prevent or punish the firing of pregnant women from work and there are no tax-deductible payments or parental leave that is allowed for childcare. The Civil Code of Iran bestows power on a woman's husband to prevent her from accepting jobs that the husband feels are not compatible with the interests of the family or the husband's dignity.

In addition, women do not have any legal protections against sexual harassment or domestic violence and Iran's constitution does not have any non-discrimination clause that classifies gender as a protected category.

Women of Iran and the Iranian Revolution

In 1977, there was the Iranian revolution where myriads of women took to the metropolitan cities in protest and wore chadors. Several women took part in this revolution's success. The role of women received praise from across the world and it was encouraged by their revolutionary leader, Ruhollah Khomeini. They contributed to the Iranian Revolution by participating in mass protests. The organizations that were supporting this revolution, like Mujahideen, welcomed women and offered them important tasks.

Voting Rights of Women

The majority of the rights of women started with the White Revolution that was held in 1962. During that time, women had limited voting rights where they were only allowed to vote in local elections. This right was later repealed and women were completely prohibited from participating in any referendum. However, the Minister for Agriculture in Iran allowed the leaders of women's movements to create a voting booth to voice their concerns.

Although these votes did not count, the large number of women voting encouraged Muhammad Reza Shah to accept the voting rights for women after that referendum. As a result, 6 women were voted into parliament in September 1963 and two others in the Senate.